Applying advanced electromagnetics technology to target detection and tracking, missile guidance and control, and aerospace antenna development.
UBC is an engineering firm with broad interests in advanced electromagnetics technology and its application to target detection and tracking, missile guidance and control, and aerospace communications.
We specialize in development and production of radar systems, antennas, control systems, radomes, and gimballed platforms. Our antennas are used extensively in advanced electronic attack simulation systems for warfighter training and weapons testing. They may be operated in captive carry and fully autonomous missions. The engineering staff has expertise in analytical and computer modeling of electromagnetic and sensor system phenomena, development of tracking and guidance systems, advanced MMW and IR sensors, and unique radar system and RF subsystem approaches for a variety of applications.
Our antenna products span X through Ka band. Most or our current products are based on the Cassegrain twist-reflector concept but we have extensive experience in the design and production of UHF drone control antennas and our ultra-rugged, light weight, solid body antenna (MMW).
Electronic systems include multiplexed and multi-channel microwave receivers, single axis and dual-axis antenna control systems, custom radars, transmitters and control interface software for the electronics.
Our research and development interests have been a major portion of our business model. Bring us your problems and we will help find solutions. We have an active SBIR/STTR submission program as well as a robust IR&D roadmap.