About Us
UBC is an engineering firm with broad interests in advanced electromagnetics technology and its application to target detection and tracking, missile guidance and control, and aerospace communications.
UBC specialties include development and production of radar systems, antennas, control systems, radomes, and gimballed platforms. The engineering staff has expertise in analytical and computer modeling of electromagnetic and sensor system phenomena, development of tracking and guidance systems, advanced MMW and IR sensors, and unique radar system and RF subsystem approaches for a variety of applications.
Since its founding in 1980, UBC has successfully completed over 100 contracts for various government agencies and aerospace primes for concept definition, analysis, design, prototyping, production, and test activities.
UBC has extensive experience in tailoring antenna performance to specific objectives and in analyzing the effects of asymmetric geometry and blockages. As a major participant in the Army's Longbow/Hellfire program, UBC designed the antenna assembly employed on the missile seeker and subsequently assisted in the development of analysis software used to model its performance. In addition to providing analysis and programming support, empirical data utilized to verify the accuracy of computer modeling was collected at UBC facilities.
Continued refinements to the analysis and synthesis software were employed in developing the antenna concept for the X-Rod gun-launched projectile. This system employs a small diameter, staring antenna that not only has to survive loads associated with cannon launch but also requires accommodation of hardware protruding through the antenna system. The above referenced software tools were used extensively to predict performance of candidate antenna implementations. Conclusion of this effort resulted in a baseline antenna design capable of achieving all required electrical and mechanical performance requirements.
UBC has also been involved in the design, analysis, fabrication, and test of a coaxial common-aperture antenna system for dual-mode applications. Using the patented Solid Body Antenna SBA collimator, the system employs novel MMW and long-wave infrared technologies in a cassegrain like collimator. In addition to the appropriate analysis and synthesis tools, UBC is using optics analysis software to characterize the infrared performance.
Airborne threat simulators are another specialty of UBC. Currently, simulators are flying for the US Navy in BQM 74 and BQM 34 drones and have been designed for the AQM 37D. These simulators emulate cruise and anti-ship missiles. Also currently flying are threat simulators in USAF vehicles which are full scale drones, such as QF4. These systems utilize UBC's advanced twist reflection antenna technologies and are state of the art while being cost effective. Systems include tracking, acquisition, and guidance and control functions.