Research and Development
Instrumentation Radar
- Ku Band Operating Frequency
- 100 W CW Transmit Power
- Fully Programmable Scan Pattern at 70°/s, 40° x 40° Field of View
- 20 km Range, ±10 m accuracy, 60 Hz Update Rate
- 24 inch Antenna Diameter, <200 lbs.

UHF Drone Control Antenna
- Lightweight and Rugged
- Dual Frequency, 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz
- 9 dBi Gain
CGMP – Command Guided Multipurpose Projectile
- 95 GHz Dual Polarized Monopulse Techniques
- 0.1 mrad Tracking Accuracy
- Unambiguous Roll Position Tracking
- 95 GHz Uplink Projectile Guidance

94 GHz, Two-Axis Scanning, Dual Polarization Tracker
Specialized Antennas and Feeds

Helicopter Collision Avoidance
Twist-Cassegrain Antenna
- 35 GHz, Circular Polarization
- Scanning +/- 25 degrees
- 400 deg/sec
- Gain 34 dB, Beamwidth 2.6 deg
Laser reflection from mirror on twist plate in actual scan.
Complete 12-bar raster in 2 sec (400 deg/sec!!)